Wednesday, August 22, 2012

#1! Inu X Boku ss.

                               XDD finally! Inu X Boku ss.

X3 this was the best anime of the summer! hands down! i immediately fell in ,love with the heroine, no homo, 
her personallity immediately drew me in and i find its easy to empathise with miss ririchyo, not the fact that she's rich, but the fact that it's easy too understand the feeling of not being favored by a parent, and also that soo many people put on a stong face when they hurt inside or mindlessly hurt people around them, andyways , the story line is pretty interesting, that last episode is commical, and i'm soo ready for another season! 
The Maison de Ayakashi (メゾン・ド・章樫 Mezon do Ayakashi?), better known as the Ayakashikan (妖館?), is a high security apartmentbuilding where humans with demon ancestors, or youkai, reside, each guarded by their own Secret Service bodyguard. A youkai girl named Ririchiyo Shirakiin moves into the Ayakashikan hoping for some peace and quiet. Instead, she finds herself with the service of the Secret Service agent, Sōshi Miketsukami.~ sooo the wiki sais, XDD it really is interesting and i really fell in love with every character

don't worry XD it isnt about a lesbo, i swear, not that i have anything against lesbos, i fully support the gay community and think everyone deserves too love who the want XDD i just wanted too clear this up.

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