Wednesday, August 22, 2012

#1! Inu X Boku ss.

                               XDD finally! Inu X Boku ss.

X3 this was the best anime of the summer! hands down! i immediately fell in ,love with the heroine, no homo, 
her personallity immediately drew me in and i find its easy to empathise with miss ririchyo, not the fact that she's rich, but the fact that it's easy too understand the feeling of not being favored by a parent, and also that soo many people put on a stong face when they hurt inside or mindlessly hurt people around them, andyways , the story line is pretty interesting, that last episode is commical, and i'm soo ready for another season! 
The Maison de Ayakashi (メゾン・ド・章樫 Mezon do Ayakashi?), better known as the Ayakashikan (妖館?), is a high security apartmentbuilding where humans with demon ancestors, or youkai, reside, each guarded by their own Secret Service bodyguard. A youkai girl named Ririchiyo Shirakiin moves into the Ayakashikan hoping for some peace and quiet. Instead, she finds herself with the service of the Secret Service agent, Sōshi Miketsukami.~ sooo the wiki sais, XDD it really is interesting and i really fell in love with every character

don't worry XD it isnt about a lesbo, i swear, not that i have anything against lesbos, i fully support the gay community and think everyone deserves too love who the want XDD i just wanted too clear this up.

Monday, August 20, 2012

T.K Bot

Hey guys, its Emiko again! We finally have our T.K. bot! We have him altered as best as we can right now. Eventually we'll be able to add more responses but for right now this is what we have! I hope you guys enjoy! P.S. Be nice to him ~~
                                                                      ~I kiss you~

#2 Hell girl

                                            HELL GIRL

X3~ i fell in love with it immediately, in my world creepy is cute and the creepines that possesses the heroine enma ai is prestine <3 the stories behind all of the characters are interesting and a lot of japanese mythology and religion is involved, this show perfectly revolves around humans and the desire for revenge, the acts of sin we carry out, and the periods of darkness called depression that we go through wich we may let overcome us and may do something we regret if we're blind sided by it,~:
The medium through which a client contacts Ai Enma has changed over the centuries. Initially clients would write the names of whom they hated on an ema, which later changed to sending a letter to the address appearing in a three-column newspaper advertisement only visible to those with enough hatred. Once the internet became available, people could access the Hell Correspondence website, otherwise known as the "Hotline to Hell". Soon after, the site was adapted into a mobile version that could be accessed from cell phones.[5]
Each medium can only be used at midnight by one who harbors a desire for revenge against their object of hatred. Should someone submit the name of someone against whom they bear a grudge or immense hatred, and their request is accepted, Ai Enma will take them to a realm of perpetual twilight where she offers them a straw doll, one of her companions, with a red string wound around its neck and describe to the client the details of their contract; should the client pull the string tied around the doll's neck, she will ferry the target of the revenge straightaway to Hell. However, once the client's life has ended, he or she, too, will go to Hell, and a black crest-shaped mark appears on the client's chest to serve as a permanent reminder of this and their decision to send someone to Hell. However, this mark is no guarantee that the person themselves won't be sent to hell by another client.:3 is what the wiki said ~ 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

#3 Ghost hunt

                                              GHOST HUNT!

:3 while it's a little old the information is definately accurate and based of of real events, the major downsider of this anime it that the heroine isn't intellegent or strong, throughout the anime she learn an relys on others, while i, a paranormal fanatic, would have better dealt with the situatuion, for some it's a bit scary, but i have become immune to scary things and find this more interesting than scary: Ghost Hunt follows the ghost hunting adventures of Mai Taniyama, a first year high school student, who becomes involved with the Shibuya Psychic Research Center (SPR) and its young manager, Kazuya Shibuya. Mai nicknames Kazuya Shibuya "Naru" because of his narcissistic attitude, and the nickname is generally adopted by all those who come to eventually work with SPR: a Buddhist monk, Houshou Takigawa; a shrine maiden, Ayako Matsuzaki; a famous psychic, Masako Hara; and Catholic Priest, John Brown.
Ghost Hunt also explores the paranormal abilities of the characters, particularly focusing on Mai's "latent psychic abilities," demonstrated by her dreaming about information relevant to their cases. She is often joined in her dreams by someone who she assumes to be Naru acting as a spirit guide, but who is later revealed to be someone quite unexpected.: is what the wiki sais XD anyways its a pretty good anime, i especially enjoyed the bloody labrynth episode and the freak that i am even looked farther into the real events it's based off of

Angel Beats!

                                                                    T.K. <3
Angel Beats was one of the best animes i have watched this summer. It was unfortunate how sadly it ended. One of the perks of this anime was T.K. Of course he was Akurah's and mine favorite character. it's been a while since we watched it but we still quote him, (Kiss you!, Its a wild heaven, etc.). Soon either Akurah or I will be making a T.K. Pandora bot that people can talk to. Eventually, after we finish the bot we will post the link onto the page. As for now, Check out the rest of our posts untell then! (;
                                                                                           ~Kiss You~

Thursday, August 16, 2012

#4 deathnote

                                                      deathnote <3

a very clever and well put together series surrounding two extremely intellegent forces on opposite sides, the story surrounds light yagami an above average student who stumbles accross the deathnote, and not quite
knowing what to expect tests the deathnote himself, soon enough his vision becomes tainted and beleiving he can make the world a better place he begins to kill criminals, the antagonist and my favorite character, mainly
known as L, is eqaully as smart as light and is a famously renowned detective,L sets out too bring justice and faces light as an enemy whitout even truly knowing who his enemy is, :3 it's a little sad with the loss of my favorite character,but oh yes, justice does prevail <3